
Isabela Hartz's drawings

Isabela Hartz was born in Rio de Janeiro and she has been involved with Santo Daime - one of the names given to ayahuasca by religious organizations that uses the brew as a sacrament - since 1984, living for several years in Céu do Mapiá, the spiritual center of the doctrinal line created by Sebastião Mota de Melo, founder of CEFLURIS and Shaman's Drum. Isabela Hartz has done numerous exhibitions in Brazil and has worked as a fashion designer as well as created the cover art for over one hundred books.

Watch the documentary "Shamans of the Amazon" by SBS Independent / Australian Film Comission

Excellent documentary about the Amazonian Shamans and their use of the sacred Ayahuasca vine to communicate with the spirits of the forest. Includes footage of peaceful drug-prohibition protest, an interview with Terence Mckenna, criticism of the so called "war on drugs"(essentially a form of cultural genocide), the corruption within large oil companies and governments, many civil rights issues,etc...

Mapiá by Robert E. Blaisdell

Robert E. Blaisdell
World traveler and semi-pro photographer based in British
Colombia, Canada. Currently in South America and working on
a photo book of images from that continent.


O Blog Ecologia Cognitiva debate nova política de drogas

O Blog Ecologia Cognitiva que afirma o valor social do uso positivo de substâncias psicoativas, e pretende conectar e ativar a ação integrada de indivíduos e grupos pela mudança das políticas públicas que legitimam a lógica proibicionista no Brasil, está apresentando trechos do vídeo da sessão da Comissão de Constituição e Justiça do Senado no dia 31/05/2006, quando foi apreciado o Substitutivo da Câmara dos Deputados ao Projeto de Lei do Senado nº 115, de 2002, que institui o Sistema Nacional de Políticas Públicas sobre Drogas - SISNAD.