Maria Isabela Hartz has lived a spirited life illuminated with inspiration, learning, teaching and healing. Her life, like her art work, is devotional, a living prayer dedicated to sharing a divine vision of love with the world. Borne in Rio de Janeiro she was already a budding artist at the the age of 18 months. Maria has spent most of her life living in nature away from the bustle of urban centers. She has lived the spiritual life in the Amazon Rainforest with the Santo Daime as a disciple of its spiritual leader Padrinho Sebastiao. This experience, which included 3 years of celebacy, had a profound influence on her life and art, enabling her to meet her Divine Self and have a kundalini awakening. For a few years she also had a chance to live in the USA where she was able to exhibit her work, as well as teach with Alex Grey and Pablo Amaringo, helping art students on their path towards intentional artistic evolution. Currently living in Rio de Janeiro, her avid art is still actively evolving as she continues to paint, draw and teach, always seeking new opportunities to exhibit, distribute and promote her work. Her holy mission is to create a foundation with an institute, gallery and museum of art, science and religion. This sacred site can be an international pilgrimage point and place where struggling artists, particularly those from the third world, can engage in their artwork. With countless contributions of inspiration and insight, healing and hope, love and learning, Maria Isabela Hartz wonderful Work has a blessed life of its own and is destined to transform, heal and awaken people in the many ages to come.
- Delvin Solkinson
Um comentário:
quite interesting read. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did you guys learn that some chinese hacker had hacked twitter yesterday again.
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