
The Rain Forest's beat

The Brazilian Church of Santo Daime uses a sacramental entheogenic beverage known as ayahuasca, which the founder of the religion Master Irineu re-baptized as Santo Daime. Its roots are deeply impregnated by a strong syncretism among several cultural, folkloric and religious elements, and is therefore considered as being strongly Eclectic.

The Holy rituals are conducted around a six pointed table or star, and comprise of many hours of prayer, meditation, silent spiritual work and singing. The main aims are self-knowledge, the experience of God or the inner higher Self, and the cure of physical, psychic and spiritual diseases.

The use of entheogenic substances as a sacrament seems to have been part of the main religious traditions of ancient times, and most probably gave the visionary basis for many of the most important religions that exist in the world today.

Watch 2 videos of a european young girl singing the hymns of the Santo Daime.

Hino received by Mestre Irineu Serra (#122)

Hino received by Paulo Roberto

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